

Knowledge is power when it comes to finding a solution for your back pain.

Patients who know more do better. Fact.

This section represents an essential hub of current thinking in managing back pain.
You'll find useful tips and tricks on relevant and important topics, as well as our regularly updated blog posts.


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Back Pain Guides

How big a problem is back pain?

Back pain is a big topic, affecting many people. We have collected some figures to give you an idea of the challenge.

Click here to learn more
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Do we understand what sciatica is?

Many people talk about sciatica, but are patients and clinicians talking about the same thing?

Understand sciatica better
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Can you spot the back pain myths?

There are myths aplenty about how to keep your back healthy.
Can you separate fact from fiction in our quiz?

Take the quiz now
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Survive the WFH

Struggling with working from home?
We have some strategies, exercises and hacks.

Click here for our guide
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Do you understand how posture affects back pain?

Take our quiz to test your knowledge

Take the quiz now
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Looking for something to help?

Many people like a gadget that can help.
Let us give you a guide to what might be useful

Click here for our guide
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How else can help you?

  • A personalised digital treatment programme to support people with back pain.
  • Developed by back specialists, using the latest techniques, and scientifically proven approach designed to increase mobility and functionality.



The Blog

Our blog offers help on various topics and tackles topical debates.
Here is a selection of our most popular posts.

The First Few Days

The Usefulness of Reflection

Missing the Simple

Read more here