Gadget Guide


There's a minefield of kit out there for those who suffer from back pain.

Some of it can really help. Some of it will be a waste of your time and money.

Allow us to offer some insight so you can perhaps choose the better things for you.


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Around the House

Ice cubes


Ice can be invaluable for helping back pain. People are afraid of using it, so we make sure to teach our users how to get the best out of it.

Hot Water Bottle


Heat can also be a valuable tool in beating back pain. But only when used at the right time. We teach our users when this is, and when this isn't!


Household medications

Simple medications such as paracetamol and ibuprofen can help those who are suffering with back pain. But there are misconceptions about both. We help our users make good decision.

Tools for treatment

The marketplace is full of various devices that claim to help you treat yourself.

Let's look at some of the most popular.

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Seen on TV 

Ice cubes


Lots of sports people wear tape of various kinds. Kinesio tape is colourful and sometimes effective in making acute injuries feel secure. It needs to be used properly however.

Hot Water Bottle


Low back supports sometimes give people a sense of security when out and about. It's unclear as to whether they help every injury, but sometimes the help remind people to be careful when nursing an injury.

Night time help

Sleep is massively important.

Pain that keeps you awake at night is bad news.

You have a greater chance of developing chronic back pain if your sleep is poor than if your posture is bad.

Let's look at what might help.

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The Blog

Our blog offers help on various topics and tackles topical debates.
Here is a selection of our most popular posts.

The Usefulness of Reflection

Methods to beat back pain?

A swift lesson about PAIN - part one

Read more here

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  • Developed by back specialists, using the latest techniques, and scientifically proven approach designed to increase mobility and functionality.