Just how big a problem is back pain?


The figures around back pain are, quite simply, staggering.

Not only its effect on individuals but also on workforces and the economy as a whole.

And despite everyone's efforts, the figures aren't improving.

Below we've collected some data to show the extent of the problem.


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Back pain affects a huge number of people. 

It is reported that 8 out of 10 people experience back pain at some point in their lifetime ref, and 1 in 3 people will have back pain on any given day ref. There are varying levels of severity:

  • Some cases settle within a few days, requiring little intervention.
  • Other episodes take longer, improving considerably within a month, yet often not settling completely ref.

Sadly, there is a high chance that someone who experiences back pain for the first time will go on to develop a chronic condition, that is pain which has persists beyond 12 weeks.

  • 7 out of 10 of back pain patients experience at least one relapse within 12 months ref.
  • Lower back pain is responsible for around 25% of all chronic pain cases ref, ref.
  • 16% of back pain patients are still not able to work 1 year after their injury ref.

What is going wrong?


Time and money.

Effective treatment for back pain needs to be delivered as soon as possible.

  • Waiting lists for NHS treatment are getting steadily longer. After 6 weeks, improvement from back pain slows considerably ref.

Private treatment is available without waiting lists but is considerably more expensive to the patient or employer.

The missing link


BackPain.online is designed to fill the gap between NHS provision and private services.

  • Our digital therapy programmes are personalised to the patient, delivered within minutes, and at a price that everyone can afford.
  • Our content follows the same guidance that the NHS and private sector has spent millions on developing.
  • No more hunting around the internet for poor advice from untrustworthy sources.


You can download this information as a PDF below


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A swift lesson about PAIN - part three

A swift lesson about PAIN - part one

To treat or to manage?

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