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Where did the idea for come from?

advice back pain education money rehabilitation time Oct 14, 2019

Graeme and Toby have worked as private osteopaths for many years.

At the end of a busy Saturday morning a few years ago, they talked about just how much advice and education they had given their patients that day.

They felt that this advice and education was probably going to be more helpful for the patients than any hands-on treatment they had provided.

The conversation then turned to the question:
"How far do you think we can help people without touching them - just by giving advice, education and rehabilitation exercises"

They went away and thought about it...

It seemed then that an online platform could deliver this material.
And that meant it could be cheap and quick.

  • Cheap meant that it would cost less than private treatment, which Graeme and Toby are all too aware is not accessible to many people.
  • Quick meant that people would be able to start improving sooner, which is always better. Especially when people can wait weeks for NHS referral.

So that has to be a win-win?

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